Category: Tips


Yoga 3 Pro: HD&4K video problem persists

In my Yoga 3 Pro review I talked about a problem of watching HD and 4K videos on the Yoga 3 Pro with Chrome. Chrome wants to use the VP9/WebM codec by default, which is not hardware accelerated on the Yoga 3 Pro. Result: if you watch videos on the...


GVim font changing

Using the graphical interface on your Raspberry Pi? Using gvim as the editor? Don’t like the font (or size)?


Peek definition

You probably know F12 in Visual Studio, which transfers you to the point of a definition. But did you know that pressing Alt-F12 will invoke a function called peek definition, which only opens a small popup to inspect the code, but will not actually go there. Much faster to check...


PowerShell aliases, or how to run Notepad++ easily from PowerShell

I have to sometimes play around with PowerShell, and while in there, sometimes I need to edit files. I prefer Notepad++, but found it difficult and slow to start. So aliases to the rescue. Just typing: set-alias edit “C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe” will create a new alias called edit. And it can be invoked...


General purpose editor for programmers: Notepad++

For years, I did not have a standard light-weight text editor I would use under Windows. For my programming needs, there was no question what to use: if I had C# and related HTML/JavaScript source code, Visual Studio would do. PHP? I use PhpStorm. But what if I need to edit...